Year 9 - Google Earth Projects

The students in Year 9 have been investigating the growth of tourism and how it has led to increased interconnections between places. For our final project, the students were asked to devise a route between Southampton, UK, and Cape Town, South Africa in the Year 1937. They had a number of considerations to think about when they were devising their routes from not being able to fly at night, only being able to go a maximum of 1200km before refueling, the politics of the time and importantly they had to land on water. The students worked hard to not only create a route but also calculate the maths and justify their choices. Please click on the links to visit the students’ projects.

Student One - Southampton to Cape Town

Student Two - Southampton to Cape Town

Student Three - Southampton to Cape Town

Student Four - Southampton to Cape Town

Student Five - Southampton to Cape Town

Student Six - Southampton to Cape Town

Year 10 - Exploring Population Pyramids

As part of the unit which explores population change the Year 10 Geography classes have been investigating population structures. To do this they were introduced to population pyramids which are graphical representations of the age and sex structure of a specific country. To try and make a series of graphs more ‘fun’ the classes used Lego to create population pyramids for various countries. The students will now use the graphs as a starting point to question why a countries age - sex structure is as it is and whether they can be used to plan for a change in resources in the future.

Year 11 - International Relations - Global Hotspots

Students in the year 11 International Relations and Global Politics options course were introduced to the idea of global hotspots by their teacher - through a case study of China and her neighbours - focusing on land and maritime disputes that have international significance.

Concurrently, the students in the class each worked on individual geopolitical hotspots using a structure designed by their teacher. While they were investigating and researching their chosen hotspot (from among a pre-selected list by the teacher for their suitability for study) the students began to create/write their individual pages on this Google Site:

A selection of student pages is available for you to read and they hope you find it interesting. Click on any of the links on the homepage and this will take you straight to the named hotspot.

As adults (parents and teachers) viewing the site, we need to remind ourselves that this is the work of 15 and 16 year olds; as such it shows their insights into some of the world's troubled regions at an age when they are just beginning to develop a gradually more adult insight into the complexities of international relations. The students completed the work by reflecting on the probable, possible, and in some cases preferable futures for their global hotspot.

Year 13 - Climate Change Mitigation

The Year 13 geographers have been investigation the causes and consequences of climate change. To try and off-set our impact they have explored various different methods of mitigation. While some such as the atmospheric mirror may sound like it was taken out of a James Bond film there is an element of validity and in all of the geo-technological solutions. See below for the students’ Google Slide presentations.

Year 8 - Hurricanes

The Year 8s have been exploring how certain weather events can be catastrophic for certain areas of the world. They have learnt about the process of how a hurricane occurs, what the different categories mean and the damage that can be caused. The group were then asked to investigate a hurricane event of their choice and to create a newspaper report of their findings. Examples of these reports are below.