
Year 10 - So are insects the solution?

The Year 10 class currently working with Mr Allaway were presented with a huge amount of information - all upon the theme of using insect protein to feed livestock. The students had to ensure they understood each piece of information and then go through a process of categorising it, before exploring the links. They allowed each group of students to approach an answer to the question: 'Are insects the solution?' and a follow up question of 'What is the problem?'.

The process of using the hexagons (that can be seen in the photos below) helped to build knowledge and understanding as well as important synthesis skills.

Year 12 - DP Geography - Geography of Food and Health

For part of the DP Geography option unit 'The Geography of Food and Health' the students explore issues of sustainability. Specifically the students investigate the different methods of producing food and the impact this has on the quality of water and soil. To this end the students wrote an essay to suggest whether sustainability within the agricultural field could ever be sustainable. Examples of the essays can be found below:

Romy Santer

Ines de Melo

Patrycja Sudzinska

Year 11 - Géographie - Projet "Imagine une ville du futur!"

Pour clore l'unité sur l'Urbanisation, les élèves ont réalisé un projet dans lequel ils ont imaginé une ville du futur répondant à deux défis essentiels de leur choix (environnement, transport, pollution, économie, communauté...). Pour ce faire, ils se sont appuyés sur les connaissances acquises dans les leçons et dans leurs recherches. Le travail collectif de recherches et d'analyses a précédé la rédaction d'une synthèse individuelle expliquant les raisons pour lesquelles ils avaient choisi ces défis. De plus, chaque groupe a réalisé une maquette virtuelle ou non. En voici quelques exemplaires :

Alessandro Corban


Liam Tissot

William Desborges

Year 13 - The Future for Agriculture?

Part of the Year 13 DP Geography syllabus looks at how what we eat may have to change to sustain the growing global population. Farming insects is a more sustainable way to provide protein for our diet but what do they taste like? Mr. Allaway made brownies for his Year 13 class using the extra ingredient of buffalo worms. But was anyone brave enough to eat them? Well some pioneering Year 13s as well as Year 8s and 10s were up for the challenge of tasting the brownies and apparently the buffalo worms taste a little like peanuts.