Year 10

Year 10 - Exploring Population Pyramids

As part of the unit which explores population change the Year 10 Geography classes have been investigating population structures. To do this they were introduced to population pyramids which are graphical representations of the age and sex structure of a specific country. To try and make a series of graphs more ‘fun’ the classes used Lego to create population pyramids for various countries. The students will now use the graphs as a starting point to question why a countries age - sex structure is as it is and whether they can be used to plan for a change in resources in the future.

Year 10 - Population Pyramids

Dans l'unité sur la population, nous avons étudié le fonctionnement d'une pyramide des âges et appris à analyser les particularités, les irrégularités et leurs significations sur la composition et l'évolution de la population. Après avoir étudié la méthode, les élèves de la classe 10 ont réalisé par groupe de deux, la description et l'analyse de la pyramide des âges du pays de leur choix. 

Year 10 - Population Change

Year 10 students have been studying population demographics in order to analyse the current trends in population growth worldwide. By familiarising themselves with the statistics, models, and tools that geographers use to study these changes, students have gained an understanding of what happens when populations are too young, too old, and how a country may be impacted by either extreme. This assignment is an in depth study of China's "One Child Policy" that students completed to research one specific solution a country had to their own population problem.

Year 10 - Natalism Posters

Students in year 10 have been learning about how countries are affected by birth rates, death rates, and the average age of their population. Whether a country's population is growing rapidly or they face an ageing population, certain problems are created that governments must attend to. Students studied a specific country, the state of the population, and created posters to try to influence people within that country to have more or less children. Good job year 10!

Year 10 - Population Pyramids Simulation

Year 10 have been learning about the importance of using data to learn about the past and to also predict the future. To do this they have explored how population pyramids can inform us of key times of conflict and to help plan for an ageing population in certain countries. For students to understand how population pyramids are drawn students initially made lego model simulations of certain countries pyramids. Below is a gallery of photos showing the students at work.

Year 10 - Eating insects (again)

As part of a unit on resources the Year 10 group that currently have Mr Allaway are discussing alternative sources of protein. Mr Allaway cooked 'mealworm flapjacks' and also brought along some 'Salt and Vinegar' and 'English Herbs' flavour crickets.