
Year 8 - Desertification

To complete the unit on biomes students investigated how deserts are expanding. The theme of change and sustainability can be seen throughout the course and by exploring desertification it allowed the students to link the weather and climate unit to biomes. They answered questions such as 'Who is to blame for desertification?' 'Can desertification be controlled?' 'Is it caused by nature?'. To show their understanding students wrote a five paragraph essay to answer the question 'Desertification is caused by humans' discuss. 

Arathi Anand

Daniel Coates

Peter de Salis

Enakshi Sinha

Year 8 - Invincible Desert Animal

This week Ms. Mart's Year 8 group have been investigating how different plants and animals survive within a hostile biome. The key survival characteristics of the flora and fauna in hot desert regions have been recorded through a series of labelling and annotation exercises. The students are now using these characteristics to design their own 'invincible' desert animal. The pictures below show the first step in their creation process.