
Year 8 - Hurricanes

The Year 8s have been exploring how certain weather events can be catastrophic for certain areas of the world. They have learnt about the process of how a hurricane occurs, what the different categories mean and the damage that can be caused. The group were then asked to investigate a hurricane event of their choice and to create a newspaper report of their findings. Examples of these reports are below.

Year 8 - Winds that Impact Geneva

The students in Year 8 have been looking at the different aspects that make up our daily weather conditions. They have already investigated temperature, clouds and precipitation and now the focus has been on wind. The students explored how wind occurs, what makes them powerful and how where they come from can have a dramatic impact on us. The class produced individual posters on a specific wind that occurs over the city of Geneva. On the information poster they were asked to explain how the wind occurs, what weather that wind brings to the area and therefore how it impacts us. Examples of student work can be found below:

Year 8 - Factor Which Impact Temperature

The Year 8s have been investigating why it is warmer in certain areas around the world than others. To do this the class was divided into small teams and were asked to investigate a specific causes. They then feedback their new knowledge back to their peers via a Google Slide presentation. Examples of the slides and photographs of the students presenting can be found below:

Year 8 - Factors Impacting Temperature

Dans l'unité sur la météo et le climat, les élèves ont étudié les températures. Par groupe, ils ont réalisé des présentations afin d'expliquer à leurs camarades la variation des températures dans le monde. Chaque groupe a travaillé sur une cause spécifique, telle que la distance à la mer, la latitude, l'altitude ou encore la circulation des courants marins et atmosphériques...

Year 8 - Hurricane Newspaper Reports

The students in Year 8 have been investigating how climatic hazards occur. The focus has been on hurricanes as it is currently ‘hurricane season’. The students have explored the devastating impact that hurricanes can bring to an area and whether we can ever truly be prepared for such an event. To show their understanding the students created a newspaper report on a hurricane of their choice. Examples of their work can be found below.

Year 8 - Wind

To bring the weather unit that is being studied in Year 8 the students have been investigating how the wind impacts their daily lives. To do this we have focused on the four key types of wind that impact Geneva. For the students to show their understanding of how the wind is created and the types of weather conditions that they bring to the area they created an informative poster. Examples of the posters can be found below.






Year 8 - Factors Impacting Temperature

The Year 8s have begun the year exploring how the weather impacts their daily lives. To do this the students have been learning about the different factors that can impact the temperature of an area. The group were put into small teams to research factors such as altitude, distance from water and wind directions. The teams then put together a visual presentation using either Google Slides, mindmeister or lucidchart which they then discussed with the whole class. Photographs of the students presenting and along with their work can be found below.